My favorite Pencil

I think a lot about inspiration. While working hard to help others, I focus on influencing, engaging, building followers, and inspiring them. 

Getting inspired when I'm not or getting out of a rut is never easy, but it is possible - creativity and planning... blerg.

These are two diametrically opposing ideals that work great together. 

Creativity and finding it when you can't is its own problem. But, planning to be creative is is easier than you think and necessary. And for me, it all starts with my favorite pencil. My true love is a BLACKWING 602. It sparks the creative process like no other; for some, it is lighting a candle or a cocktail in perfect lighting. I need the right pencil, and everything else starts getting into focus. 

Planning to be creative takes all of the fun and spontaneity from the creative juices flowing naturally; forcing creativity takes a few tricks and, most often than not, will create even greater success in achieving your goals.

What tool, thing, platform, or app helps you jump-start your creativity? I'd love to hear your tips or tricks. 


Internal & External Perception


All out of love!